The founder of the group “El Paso”, Luis Feito, dies because of CovidBack

It was with great sadness that we received the news of the death due to the coronavirus of one of the most representative artists of Spanish abstraction in the mid-20th century.

Luis Feito has left an important legacy for Spanish Art History in a context in which Spanish Informalism pushed art towards new forms of expression.

Galeria Jordi Pascual has had the honour of exhibiting various artworks over the years in different group exhibitions.

Here is some news with more information about the life and work of Luis Feito:

Source: El País. “Muere el pintor Luis Feito, fundador del grupo el Paso”

Source: La Vanguardia. “Mor als 90 anys el pintor Luis Feito, fundador del grup el Paso”

Source: El Mundo. “Muere a causa del Covid el pintor Luis Feito, penúltimo testigo del Grupo El Paso”