Antoni Clavé returns to Venice for the 59th Venice BiennaleBack

Antoni Clavé’s international success was partly due to the fact that in 1984 Spain dedicated the Spanish pavilion at the Venice Biennale to the artist.

Forty years later, an exhibition dedicated to Clavé has been held at the Palazzo Franchetti. In the exhibition, the 125 artworks on display take us on a journey through his artistic trajectory.

Galeria Jordi Pascual has had the honour of exhibiting artworks by this great artist on several occasions. An artist who has marked the Spanish art of the second half of the 20th century.

Below you have some articles for more information about the exhibition that will take place between April 22 and October 23, 2022:

Source: Arteinformado “Antoni Clavé. El espíritu del guerrero”.

Source: El temps de les arts. “Antoni Clavé: el retorn del guerrer”.